The Nottingham Lots Self guided Driving Tour can be driven in an hour. It can also be done in segments when you have the time. It is a wonderful history to learn and share. Parents, Grandparents, Families, Schools, Groups, Young and Old will enjoy this tour. It provides the opportunity, not only for children to learn the history of the Nottingham Lots, but to use reading and map-reading skills.
This Driving Tour is an approximate circumference of the thirty-seven Nottingham Lots using today’s roads. It is approximately thirty miles around the route. Driving the circumference of the lots will give an idea of:
- How large an area the Nottingham Lots encompassed (18,000 acres).
- How large each Lot was (approx. 500 acres).
- Where the Lots are located (from Blue Ball to Colora)
- How the topography of the Lots change between Blue Ball (flat and wooded) and Colora (hilly and rocky).
- How much of the land is still in Agriculture,Open Space and Preservation.
- How the Mason-Dixon Line 1763-1767 divided some of the lots. It restored 16,700 acres to Maryland.; 1,300 acres to Pennsylvania.
At the East Nottingham Friends Meeting House “The Brick” - A granite map stone provides an overview of the project. It will show the 1702 Nottingham Lots (in red) on current county roads. It will also show the Mason-Dixon Line, Talbots Line, East Nottingham Friends Meeting House, and the Circumference route.
- To get a sense of the size of these lots (500 Acres), a one acre lot has been marked by four posts near the woods.
- It is not necessary to enter the woods. However, looking at the woods invites questions on being in a wilderness such as: What the first needs of these Quaker families would be? What tools would they use at that time?
- The history of the Meeting House itself is a story to include on this trip. Why is it called a meeting house? When was it built? Who are the Quakers? Are there Quakers today? Are there any descendents of the original families still living in the area?
- Around the edge of the map stone it reads: Preserve this History, Protect this Land, Perpetuate its Future. These phrases invite meaningful discussion.
The East Nottingham Friends Meeting has meeting on the first and third Sunday of the month. “The Brick” is part of and under the care of Oxford Friends Meeting in nearby Oxford, Pennsylvania. Oxford has meeting every Sunday of the month. All Are Welcome. Please be respectful of this property.
Follow the detailed map that is in your brochure. It will show where the marker is located on each lot and how the lot is positioned from that point. Each marker is visible from the road and has a readable NL and the Number. These markers are cared for by the families on whose property they sit. Please drive carefully and do not trespass on private property.
Brochures with a brief history and map are available on this site. Brochures are also available at the following locations: Rising Sun—Sun Pharmacy, Rising Sun Home and Auto, Rising Sun Antiques, and Horse Unlimited Saddlery; North East—England’s Colony on the Bay. A Donation of one dollar for the brochure goes to The Nottingham Lot Foundation for continued printing of same.